The LaTeX sources of my Ph.D. thesis
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selfore.tex (3280B)

      1 \begin{tikzpicture}[
      2 		sample/.style={minimum width=1.5mm, inner sep=0mm},
      3 		classA/.style={sample, fill=Dark2-B, circle},
      4 		classB/.style={sample, fill=Dark2-B, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=3},
      5 		classC/.style={sample, fill=Dark2-B, star, star points=5}
      6 	]
      7 	\node[draw, minimum width=37mm] (bert) {\bertcoder};
      8 	\node[below=4mm of bert] (x) {\(s\)};
      9 	\node[above=4mm of bert] (h) {\(\vctr{h}\)};
     10 	\node[draw, trapezium, trapezium angle=45, minimum width=2cm, anchor=south] (encoder) at ($(bert.north) + (-12mm, 1cm)$) {Encoder};
     11 	\coordinate (zsw) at ($( left corner) + (0, 1mm)$);
     12 	\coordinate (zne) at ($( right corner) + (0, 11mm)$);
     13 	\node[draw, Dark2-B, inner sep=0, fit=(zsw) (zne)] (z) {};
     14 	\draw[thin, Dark2-B, faded] ( -- (z.south);
     15 	\draw[thin, Dark2-B, faded] ( -- (z.30);
     16 	\draw[thin, Dark2-B, faded] ( -- (z.150);
     17 	\node[classA, xshift=3mm, yshift=-2mm] at ( {};
     18 	\node[classA, xshift=4.4mm, yshift=0mm] at ( {};
     19 	\node[classA, xshift=5.2mm, yshift=-2.8mm] at ( {};
     20 	\node[classA, xshift=1.7mm, yshift=-3.4mm] at ( {};
     21 	\node[classB, xshift=-3.5mm, yshift=-1.5mm] at ( {};
     22 	\node[classB, xshift=-4.2mm, yshift=-3.4mm] at ( {};
     23 	\node[classB, xshift=-5.3mm, yshift=-2.8mm] at ( {};
     24 	\node[classB, xshift=-1.5mm, yshift=-0.2mm] at ( {};
     25 	\node[classB, xshift=-5.2mm, yshift=1mm] at ( {};
     26 	\node[classC, xshift=-1mm, yshift=2.5mm] at ( {};
     27 	\node[classC, xshift=1mm, yshift=3.5mm] at ( {};
     28 	\node[classC, xshift=-2.5mm, yshift=3.7mm] at ( {};
     29 	\node[classC, xshift=2.1mm, yshift=2.7mm] at ( {};
     31 	\coordinate (cx) at ($(bert.north east)!0.5!(bert.north)$);
     32 	\node[draw, inner sep=0, fit=(z.north) (encoder.south) ( left corner) ( right corner), anchor=south, label=center:Classifier] (classifier) at ($(bert.north) + (12mm, 1cm)$) {};
     33 	\coordinate (tsw) at ($(classifier.north west) + (0, 1mm)$);
     34 	\coordinate (tne) at ($(classifier.north east) + (0, 3mm)$);
     35 	\node[draw, Dark2-B, inner sep=0, fit=(tsw) (tne)] (t) {};
     36 	\node[classA] at ($(t.east)!0.1667!(t.west)$) {};
     37 	\node[classB,yshift=-0.1mm] at ($(t.east)!0.5!(t.west)$) {};
     38 	\node[classC] at ($(t.east)!0.8333!(t.west)$) {};
     39 	\draw[thin, Dark2-B, faded] ($(t.north east)!0.3333!(t.north west)$) -- ($(t.south east)!0.3333!(t.south west)$);
     40 	\draw[thin, Dark2-B, faded] ($(t.north east)!0.6667!(t.north west)$) -- ($(t.south east)!0.6667!(t.south west)$);
     42 	\node[draw, thick, dashed, Dark2-A, fit=(z.north) (encoder.bottom right corner) (encoder.bottom left corner)] (f0) {};
     43 	\node[fit=(t) (classifier)] (f1) {};
     44 	\node[fit=(bert)] (f2) {};
     45 	\draw[thick, dashed, Dark2-C] (f1.north west) -- (f1.west|-f2.north) -- (f2.north west) -- (f2.south west) -- (f2.south east) -- (f2.east|-f1.north) -- cycle;
     47 	\node[Dark2-A, anchor=south] at (f0.north) {\(\loss{ac}\)};
     48 	\node[Dark2-C, anchor=south] at (f1.north) {\(\loss{rc}\)};
     50 	\draw[arrow] (x) -- (bert);
     51 	\draw[arrow] (bert) -- (h);
     52 	\draw[arrow, rounded corners=1mm] (h) -- (h-|encoder) -- (encoder);
     53 	\draw[arrow, rounded corners=1mm] (h) -- (h-|classifier) -- (classifier);
     54 	\draw[arrow, rounded corners=1mm] (z) -- (z-|h) -- (h|-t) -- (t);
     55 \end{tikzpicture}